If you normally pay for NHS dental treatment, there will be three standard charges; however some patients may qualify for exemption of charges.

You will pay one charge even if you need to visit more than once to complete a course of treatment; The amount you pay will depend on the treatment you need to keep your teeth and gums healthy. 

You will pay one of the four charges below:

Band 1 – £26.80

This charge will include an examination, diagnosis and preventive care, If necessary this will include X-rays, scale and polish and planning for further treatment. 

Band 2 – £73.50

This charge includes all necessary treatment covered by the band 1 charge PLUS additional treatment such as fillings or extractions etc.

Band 3 – £319.10

This charge includes all necessary treatment covered by band 1 and 2 charges PLUS more complex procedures such as crowns or dentures etc.

Urgent Treatment – £26.80

If you require urgent care or pain relief, you will only need to pay one charge.